Associations Evolve Journal

The Associations Evolve journal an annual collection of thought-provoking articles by association experts from around the world. It delivers inspiring ideas, practical insights, and much need motivation to association professionals. Belinda Moore from SMS is the Editor of the Associations Evolve Journal.

See previous editions:

The journal is available free of charge of anyone interested in reading it. There is no requirement for people to enter details to download the document. The journal is distributed via email to our list of over 20,000 association executives. Many contributors also sent the publication to their lists, the actual distribution much large than our initial distribution.

You can subscribe to the SMS e-news to receive an electronic copy when it comes out (generally early December).

Printed copy are distributed to all premium subscribers of the Answers for Associations online community (as at November 30 that year) and contributors to the journal. 

Want to Contribute or Advertise?

The Journal starts production in July each year to allow distribution in December. Contributors are asked to contribute articles relevant to the current issues associations are dealing with. A small number of advertising positions are available. If you are interested in contributing or advertising please email [email protected].

How did it start?

The idea for the Associations Evolve Journal came about (as many promising ideas do) over a glass of wine with an amazing group of colleagues.

We were talking about how many amazing association-specific experts existed around the globe. People with incredible ideas and experiences that they were applying to advance the associations they serve.

We talked about how these people came from a range of roles including volunteer leaders, association staff, consultants, and vendors (and often a combination of the above).

We bemoaned the fact that that there was no place that brought together thought leaders from around the world to share their insights.

And so (over the fourth bottle) the idea of inviting all the amazing people we knew from to contribute to a free publication that would showcase their passion topics was born. And from those seeds this journal emerged.

When the first one came out, some people contributed existing articles they knew would have impact and others wrote entirely new content. I was delighted at how enthusiastically people supported the idea, and thrilled to read everything as it came in.

Since that time the journal has evolved beyond our expectations. We have a rapidly expanding group the most brilliant and inspiring thought leaders from around the world contributing. And a rapidly expanding readership.


Past Editions & Contributors

Associations Evolve: 2023 & Beyond – Amanda Kaiser, Andrew Chamberlain, Angela Shelton, Banu Kannu, Belinda Moore, Bruce Rosenthal, Chris Vaughan, Cindy-Lee Bakos, Colin Perry, Damien Smith, Deanna Varga, Felicity Zadro, Georgia Patrick, Gihan Perera, Hilary Marsh, James McGregor, Jeff De Cagna, Jelena Li, Jo Scard, Joanne Jacobs, Jonathan Jones, Julie Krieger, Lowell Aplebaum, Maddie Grant, Marion Short, Marjorie Anderson, Mark Levin, Mary Byers, Matt Crouch, Mel Kettle, Michael Tatonetti, Michael Butera, Michelle Graf, Nigel Collin, Octavio Peralta, Olena Lima, Paula Rowntree, Peggy Hoffman, Richard Gott, Robbie Kellman Baxter, Sharon Newport, Shelly Alcorn, Sherry Budziak, Steven Bowman, Sue Froggatt, Sylvia Gonner, Tommy Goodwin, Tony Rossell, Tony Maguire, Tyler Speers, Venessa Paech, Vinesh Prasad, and Zena Burgess.

Associations Evolve: 2022 & Beyond – Amanda L Kaiser, Andrew Chamberlain, Angela Shelton, Belinda Moore, Ben Grill, Bruce Rosenthal, Chloé Menhinick, Cindy-Lee Bakos, Colin Perry, Damien Smith, Deanna Varga, Dianna Steinbach, Dr. Michael Tatonetti, Elisa Pratt, Felicity Zadro, Gihan Perera, Ingrid Maynard, Jelena Li, Jennifer Robertson, Jo Scard, Joanne Jacobs, Julian Moore, Julie Garland Mclellan, Kym De Britt, Liana Busoli, Maddie Grant, Marjorie Anderson, Mark Levin, Mary Byers, Matt Crouch, Mel Kettle, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, Olena Lima, Paula Rowntree, Peggy Hoffman, Robbie Kellman Baxter, Samantha Morris, Sara Drury, Sarah Sladek, Sharon Newport, Stephen Los, Steven Bowman, Sue Froggatt, Tony Rossell, Venessa Paech, Vinesh Prasad, and Zena Burgess.